Friday, March 7, 2014

Facebook pick-up 'artists'

And I thought my life is not interesting enough...

So, today I get this friend request. Since I don't usually accept people just 'cause, and I only have 3 friends in common with him, and I don't really seem to recall knowing the guy, I send back a message: Do we know each other?

I have used this method in the past to weed out people who might have made an error - they were looking for someone with the same name - or people who just look for random people, friend them and don't really react to that question, basically answering my question. When I know I don't know them, I just ignore the request and, when asked by facebook whether I know them or not, I answer truthfully - I don't.

But this guy, he answered back in a few minutes (even if it was past midnight). "No, but we can change that". Interesting enough, I half expected to find a smiley face at the end of that sentence. Had I actually found one, the issue would have been mooted - ignore, block. But without the emoticon of doom, the answer lacks the final drop of douche baggery. For that, I feel he deserves a reply.

Now, I have in mind a few good comebacks, but I can't really choose:
- wow, that told me all that I needed to know. bye
- I'm not interested buddy. Move along
- how do you propose we get to 'know' each other?
- I'm not as cute as my profile photo. You are waisting your time.
- I have enough friends, thank you
- I don't need another gigolo, I'm quite satisfied with the agency I currently use

What do you think? Which one is the best?

PS: Now, obviously, the last one isn't true. He is kindda cute

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